Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_tensor_basis< No_Letters, DEPTH >Base class for tensor_basis
alg::_tensor_basis< No_Letters, DEPTH >Base class for tensor_basis
AbstractSolutionPoint< my_alg_type >A point in solution space
ActionPoint< my_alg_type >An ActionPoint is a point in solution space, analagously to AbstractSolutionPoint
alg_types< D, W, F >
algebra< BASIS >A class to store and manipulate associative algebras elements
alg::algebra< BASIS >A class to store and manipulate associative algebras elements
BasePath< my_alg_type >A common ancestor for all given paths
BaseTrajectory< my_alg_type >A common ancestor for all trajectories
alg::basis_traits< trait, no_letters, max_degree >The basis' properties
basis_traits< trait, no_letters, max_degree >The basis' properties
BrownianPath< my_alg_type >A Brownian Path
cbh< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >Provides Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff formulas
alg::cbh< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >Provides Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff formulas
alg::ConstLog2< exp >A template for constructing integer constants
ConstLog2< exp >A template for constructing integer constants
ConstLog2< 0 >
alg::ConstLog2< 0 >
alg::ConstLog2< 1 >
ConstLog2< 1 >
ConstPower< arg, exp >A template for constructing integer constants
alg::ConstPower< arg, exp >A template for constructing integer constants
alg::ConstPower< arg, 0 >
ConstPower< arg, 0 >
DefaultPath< my_alg_type >DefaultPath
DefaultTrajectory< my_alg_type >DefaultTrajectory
dyadicA dyadic number
dyadic_intervalA dyadic interval
DynamicallyConstructedPath< my_alg_type >A common ancestor for the paths we construct that contains the DescribePath function
FamilyConnections< my_alg_type >A class used in tree structures to identify iterators to relatives
FractBrownianPath< my_alg_type >2-dimensional fractional Brownian path
free_monomial_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The monoid of words of a finite number of letters with concat product
alg::free_monomial_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The monoid of words of a finite number of letters with concat product
free_tensor< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a free tensor basis
alg::free_tensor< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a free tensor basis
free_tensor_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The monoid of words of a finite number of letters with concat product
alg::free_tensor_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The monoid of words of a finite number of letters with concat product
GroupElement< my_alg_type >A GroupElement transforms ActionPoints to ActionPoints
hall_basisThe Hall Basis class
alg::hall_basisThe Hall Basis class
Increment< my_alg_type >Class containing the _LieValue for a given dyadic interval
poly_basis< SCA, RAT >::KEY_LESS
alg::poly_basis< SCA, RAT >::KEY_LESS
poly_lie_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >::KEY_LESSThe order in the MAP class reflects the degree
alg::poly_lie_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >::KEY_LESSThe order in the MAP class reflects the degree
lie< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a Lie basis
alg::lie< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a Lie basis
lie_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The Lie basis class
alg::lie_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The Lie basis class
LieMatrix< my_matrix_alg_type >The LieMatrix. Used extensively in the implementation of Pade Approximation to solve linear ODEs
lietovectorfield< my_alg_type, VF >Holds the equation, vecargument, and a function to combine the equation with a Lie element
maps< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >Provides maps between lie<> and free_tensor<> instances
alg::maps< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >Provides maps between lie<> and free_tensor<> instances
matrix_alg_types< D, W, F >
monomial_basis< SCA, n_letters, max_degree >Implements an interface for the set of words of a finite number of letters
alg::monomial_basis< SCA, n_letters, max_degree >Implements an interface for the set of words of a finite number of letters
multi_polynomial< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a free tensor basis
alg::multi_polynomial< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a free tensor basis
SPB::NonLinearGroupElement< my_alg_type_IN, my_alg_type_OUT >Solves the RDE over an interval for a given initial point
NonLinearSolutionPath< my_alg_type_IN, my_alg_type_OUT >Gives the solution of the (non-linear) RDE as Path
NonLinearSolutionTrajectory< my_alg_type_IN, my_alg_type_OUT >Computes the value of the solution of the (non-linear) RDE
NormalRandomNumberGeneratorA class to generate random numbers with a Normal distribution
OdeSolver< my_alg_type >5th-order ODE Solver
Path< my_alg_type >The interface class through which all rough paths are used
poly< SCA, RAT >A specialisation of the algebra class with a commutative monomial product
alg::poly< SCA, RAT >A specialisation of the algebra class with a commutative monomial product
poly_basis< SCA, RAT >A polynomial basis class
alg::poly_basis< SCA, RAT >A polynomial basis class
alg::poly_lie< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The Lie algebra for the commutative polynomials
poly_lie< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The Lie algebra for the commutative polynomials
poly_lie_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A basis for the polynomial Lie algebra, poly_lie
alg::poly_lie_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A basis for the polynomial Lie algebra, poly_lie
POLYLIE< my_alg_type >
RandomSeedA random seed for the NormalRandomNumberGenerator
algebra< BASIS >::rational_post_divFunction object for post-multiplying a scalar by stored version of the scalar 1 / rational
alg::algebra< BASIS >::rational_post_divFunction object for post-multiplying a scalar by stored version of the scalar 1 / rational
algebra< BASIS >::scalar_minusFunction object for changing the sign of a scalar
alg::algebra< BASIS >::scalar_minusFunction object for changing the sign of a scalar
algebra< BASIS >::scalar_passthroughFunction objects for doing nothing to a scalar
alg::algebra< BASIS >::scalar_passthroughFunction objects for doing nothing to a scalar
alg::algebra< BASIS >::scalar_post_multFunction object for post-multiplying a scalar by a scalar
algebra< BASIS >::scalar_post_multFunction object for post-multiplying a scalar by a scalar
Shell< my_alg_type >
shuffle_tensor< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a shuffle tensor basis
alg::shuffle_tensor< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >A specialisation of the algebra class with a shuffle tensor basis
shuffle_tensor_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The monoid of words of a finite number of letters with shuffle product
alg::shuffle_tensor_basis< SCA, RAT, n_letters, max_degree >The monoid of words of a finite number of letters with shuffle product
SolutionPath< my_alg_type_IN, my_alg_type_OUT >Gives the solution path to the RDE if the RDE is linear
sparse_vector< BASIS, MAP >A class to store and manipulate sparse vectors
alg::sparse_vector< BASIS, MAP >A class to store and manipulate sparse vectors
tensor_basis< SCA, n_letters, max_degree >Implements an interface for the set of words of a finite number of letters
alg::tensor_basis< SCA, n_letters, max_degree >Implements an interface for the set of words of a finite number of letters
alg::TestConstLog2< RANGE >Test of ConstLog2 template
TestConstLog2< RANGE >Test of ConstLog2 template
TestConstLog2< 1 >
alg::TestConstLog2< 1 >
alg::TestConstPower< arg, exp >Test of ConstPower Template
TestConstPower< arg, exp >Test of ConstPower Template
alg::TestConstPower< 1, 0 >
TestConstPower< 1, 0 >
TestConstPower< 1, exp >
alg::TestConstPower< 1, exp >
TestConstPower< arg, 0 >
alg::TestConstPower< arg, 0 >
Trajectory< my_alg_type >The interface class for trajectories
wedgenodeA wedgenode used by the NormalRandomNumberGenerator
alg::algebra< BASIS >::wraprational
algebra< BASIS >::wraprational
alg::algebra< BASIS >::wrapscalar
algebra< BASIS >::wrapscalar